Each uncoated chewable tablet contains Cholecalciferol 60,000 IU
Each uncoated chewable tablet contains Cholecalciferol 2000 IU
Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium from the stomach and for the functioning of calcium in the body. Having the right amount of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus is important for building and keeping strong bones. Vitamin D is used to treat and prevent bone disorders (such as rickets, osteomalacia) and various other diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D stimulates the expression of a number of proteins involved in transporting calcium from the lumen of the intestine, across the epithelial cells and into the blood. The best-studied of these calcium transporters is calbindin, an intracellular protein that ferries calcium across the intestinal epithelial cell.
Relatively prolonged duration of action.
Well absorbed from the GI tract. Presence of bile is essential for adequate intestinal absorption. Hence absorption may be decreased in patients with decreased fat absorption.
Bound to a specific a-globulin. Can be stored in adipose & muscle tissue for long periods of time. Slowly released from storage sites & skin where it is formed in the presence of sunlight or UV light. May distribute into breast milk.
Hydroxylated in the liver by the enzyme vitamin D 25-hydroxylase to form 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (calcifediol). Further hydroxylated in the kidneys by the enzyme vitamin D1-hydroxylase to form the active metabolites 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol). Further metabolism also occurs in the kidneys, including the formation of the 1,24,25-trihydroxy derivatives.
Mainly in the bile & faeces with only small amounts appearing in urine
INDICATIONS: Vitamin D deficiency associated with;
- Bone disorders – Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia & Rickets
- Cardiovascular disorders – Hypertension
- Diabetes – Type 1 & Type 2
- Pregnancy Complications – IUGR, Preeclampsia, Gestational diabetes, Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis
- Other diseases – Asthma, Influenza, Hypoparathyroidism, Tuberculosis & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Correction of deficiency: Fotosis 60K – 1 tab per week for 8-12 weeks
Maintenance of sufficiency: Fotosis 2K – 1 tab every day
Consult a medical practitioner for dose titration and modifications
Hypercalcemia. Evidence of vitamin D toxicity